2nd International SME Convention 2019

27-29 June 2019, New Delhi, India


The foremost International platform for discussing & sharing best practices for enterprise development while facilitating business discussion and encouraging trade partnerships by and between innovative, progressive and sustainable small and medium enterprises from all over the world.

The SME partnership Forum is a two track platform hosted in conjunction with the convention to encourage and enable partnerships between Governments, Institutions and business to business engagements.

G2G SME Round Table

Platform for specific discussions and agreements on multi-lateral & bilateral SME co-operation between governments of developed, developing and under developed economies, with their Ministers, Leaders & Officials invited to the exclusive track 1 of the Forum.

The United Nations agencies in India, will be programming special sessions featuring International experts sharing best practices and experiences in Cluster Development, Sustainable SME Growth, Cleantech and Innovation in developed and developing economies.