5th World Coffee Conference & Expo (WCC), 25-28 September 2023
We have the pleasure of announcing the forthcoming 5th World Coffee Conference & Expo (WCC) that is scheduled to be held in Bengaluru from 25th to 28th September 2023.
Every four or five years the International Coffee Organisation holds a high-level World Coffee Conference to enable discussion about critical topics regarding the global coffee sector.
The first four conferences have taken place in England (2001), Brazil (2005), Guatemala (2010), and Ethiopia (2016).
For the 5-th edition of the World Coffee conference India shall be the host.
The conference will be held at the Bangalore Palace grounds, Bengaluru.
As part of this international expo, the following important events are also planned:
– Technical sessions
– Buyer – Seller meet
– Coffee technology fair
– CEO conclave
– Study tours
– Visits to important places of tourism in and around Bengaluru and other cities.
The details of the event can be accessed from the event website https://wccindia2023.com/buyer-seller.
The event will bring together leaders, decision-makers, coffee producing and importing nations, exporters, importers, leading coffee associations, global coffee experts, roasters and so on from more than 80 countries to discuss, debate and collaborate towards building a sustainable coffee industry, right from bean to cup.
Please send us an email at info@ibbc.bg in case you are interested in the above event.