The National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management – MANAGE is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India mandated to assist State and Centre, Public and Private Organizations to strengthen Agricultural Extension System through Training, Action Research, Policy Advocacy, Consultancy, Implementation of Government of India Schemes, Agri-Business Education and Outreach activities. Realizing the importance of the mandate of the Government of India on the promotion of 10,000 Farmer Producer Organization (FPOs), MANAGE, in collaboration with the International Society of Extension Education (INSEE), Nagpur is organizing a three-day
“National Seminar on Comprehensive Extension Strategies for Sustainable Development of Farmer Producer Organization (FPOs): Challenges and Opportunities” at MANAGE, Hyderabad during 28-30 January 2022.
The seminar provides a platform for Researchers, Extension Professionals, Academia, Policy-Makers, NGOs, Agripreneurs, FPO Leaders, Agri Startups to present, discuss and share experiences and suggest strategies for sustainable development of FPOs / FPCs in the country. Delegates from State Agriculture and Allied Departments, ICAR Institutions, SAMETIs, EEIs, State Agricultural Universities, KVKs, NGOs, Agri-Business Sector, Banks, Leading FPOs, State and Central Governments and several National and International Organizations are expected to participate in this seminar.
Participants are welcome to join the National Seminar by sharing knowledge and experience by contributing Working Papers, Research Papers, Review Papers, Policy Papers, Concept Papers, Case Studies related to Seminar Themes on or before 30th November 2021. MANAGE-INSEE will confer one Best Paper Award in each theme. A brochure with full details on the background, seminar themes, registration form, registration fee, bank details, accommodation at MANAGE and contact of the organizers is attached for information. Registration can be done by using the link in the brochure and papers can be mailed to: and
More information about the seminar is available on