OFAJ Tender for Procurement of Automatic Shot Blasting Machine Qty -01 No
Ref: GTE. No. 3032/CAP/RR/04/2019-20/TE/2019-20/28/EO dated 0908/2019
Please refer the above said Tender Notice. Tender documents including technical specification and other terms and conditions, procedure of bidding through electronic mode, the e-procurement system requirement, Vendor Enrollment and obtaining digital signatures are available on the website. All relevant details, specifications of machine(s), terms & conditions of tender etc. are available on the website https://ofbeproc.gov.in [ Click “Current Tender”. Select “Keyword” in first search box and type brief nomenclature of machine as above in second search box. Click tabs – “Overview”, “NIT” and “Details” for various details].
The various dates relevant to referred tender are as follows:
The Bid Submission Closing Date & Time : 25/09/2019 at 8.00 AM.
The Tender Opening Date and Time: 25/09/2019 at 8.30 AM.
Please note that while submitting your offer, all the attachments pertaining to the tender must be uploaded through online in the PDF or JPG Format only with Company seal and under signature of competent authority. Do not upload the attachments while submitting your offer in the form of Word / Excel file (editable format).
EMD may be submitted in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft (DD), Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR), Bankers Cheque or Bank Guarantee in specified format from any of the commercial Banks or payment online in an acceptable form safeguarding the purchaser’s interest in all respects. EMD payable in favour of General Manager, Ordnance Factory, Ambajhari Nagpur- 440021 should be submitted on or before the Tender Submission Date.
EMD is not required to be submitted by those bidders who are registered with Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) as defined in MSE Procurement Policy issued by Department of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) or are registered with the Central Purchase Organization or the Concerned Ministry or Department or Startups as recognized by Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP) for similar Plant and Machinery only and not for any other general items. The same must be attached at the time of on-line bid submission and the hard copy reach OFAJ before the last date of bid submission. Certificate must be valid on the date of extended TOD.