We are pleased to inform you that Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in partnership with Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Government of India, is organizing “The Indo Pacific Business Summit” – Developing a Road Map for Shared Prosperity from 6-8 July 2021 over a virtual platform.

The Summit would seek to identify current and future trade and investment opportunities within this region. The Summit will have participation of Government, Enterprises, Business Chambers, Think Tanks &  Experts from all the countries in the region. The Summit will also have a Virtual Business Exhibition.

The Summit would dwell upon various thematic and sectoral sessions for discussion like physical and digital connectivity, development of robust supply chains, start-ups, healthcare, skilling, climate change and blue economy basis the current and future trade and investments opportunities highlighted by the governments within this region.

The programme outline is enclosed and the attached EDM gives details of participating countries.

Dr. S Jaishankar, Hon’ble Minister of External Affairs, Government of India has kindly agreed to be Chief Guest and deliver the Inaugural Address on 6 July 2021. Mr Piyush Goyal, Hon’ble Minister of Railways, Commerce and Industry, Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Government of India has agreed to deliver the Keynote  Address at the  Special Plenary with the Trade Ministers in the Region.

Other senior Ministers from India and the participating countries would participate in the three-day event.

We are kindly inviting you to join the 1st Indo Pacific Business Summit between 6-8 July 2021 along with your colleagues. You may register through the link or in the attached EDM Flyer.

On registering through the Link, you would have an excellent opportunity for B2B Meetings through the CII HIVE Portal.

For more details, you can also visit: www.indopacificsummit.com.